Friday, August 18, 2017
Felix Dodds: Details of a How to Lobby Workshop, some blogs on key UN issues and Wonder Woman - UN Ambassador?
NEW edition of the UNITAR course “Introduction to the 2030 Agenda: A New Agenda for a Sustainable World” has launched today!
16 August 2017 – NEW edition of the UNITAR course "Introduction to the 2030 Agenda: A New Agenda for a Sustainable World" has launched today!
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) was first released in April 2016 to help interested persons improve their knowledge about the 2030 Agenda and related Global Goals. The new edition provides the most up-to-date information available, especially regarding the follow-up and review framework for the 2030 Agenda.
The "Introduction to the 2030 Agenda: A New Agenda for a Sustainable World" course was developed to address potential knowledge gaps related to the understanding of changes required from both, policy-makers and ordinary citizens, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It attempts to answer a series of different questions: Are the SDGs significantly different from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)? What does a new focus on "leaving no one behind" mean for our policies? What kind of inequalities exist and why is it important to address them? What is policy integration? And how does sustainable consumption and production fit with economic growth and poverty eradication? These are just some of them.
This course is designed drawing primarily on the key UN Member States' Outcome Documents such as "Transforming our world: the 2030 agenda for sustainable development" and "Addis Ababa Action Agenda". It has also benefited from the substantive expertise of the UN sister agencies. In particular, UNITAR has extensively drawn on the issue briefs developed by the UN Technical Support Team during the negotiations of the Open Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, the Institute has also drawn on the preceding learning products it developed on the 2030 Agenda with contributions from the UN family.
We invite you to benefit from this introductory course free of charge!
Related links:
- Register for the course "Introduction to the 2030 Agenda: A New Agenda for a Sustainable World"
- For more information, please visit our page about UNITAR's work on Agenda 2030 or contact a2030@unitar.org.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Online Mentored KM Practitioner Certification Course - 12th Class Starts On 4 September 2017
- High recommendations and evaluations from KM professionals from all over the world, mandated introduction course on KM by a few development organizations- Read their reactions here-;
- Relevance to students work as the lessons can be applied to real work situations and structures;
- Highly interactive with other students and reflections on what works, why and how (or not) based on actual cases
- KM viewed from different ankles including innovation, learning, quality management, productivity
- Two experienced mentors with two decades each of knowledge management experience will guide the learning process- read their profile-;
- It does not disrupt participants work or travel schedules as it does not require you to be online at specific dates and times -optional scheduled webinars-to reflect on lessons
- Participants practice cases and assignment in their workplace, thereby enhancing work performance and generating benefits for their work in and for organizations
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
200 years of Britain-Nepal bilateral relations
- Bhutan - 1907, governed in present form. History dates back to 17th century
- Afghanistan - 1919, recognised year (formed around 1709)
- India - 1947, formed after dissolution of East India Company
- Pakistan - 1947, formed after dissolution of East India Company
- Sri lanka - 1948, Independence from Britain
- Maldives, 1965, Independence from Britain
- Bangladesh - 1971, constituted as a new country (separated from Pakistan)
Online mentored Knowledge Management Practitioner Certification Course
Please find below an announcement from CCLFI - Online mentored Knowledge Management Practitioner Certification Course. CCLFI is a Manila based non-profit organization that specializes in organizational learning and change, and knowledge management (KM). Team of CCLFI are long associated with use of KM tools are approaches to address environmental issues, climate change being the latest trend and their clients include big names such as ADB among others. More about them at http://www.cclfi.org/about_us/
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Registration for Vienna Energy Forum 2017 now open!
Mark your calendars and join us at Vienna Energy Forum 2017 in Vienna, Austria on 9 - 12 May 2017 , to engage in a dynamic and critical debate that will shape the future energy landscape.
With the theme "Sustainable energy for the implementation of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement", VEF 2017 will highlight the multiplier effects of integrated approaches for sustainable development at the national, regional and global levels. The Forum will also accentuate the potentials of the sustainable energy NEXUS - linking energy to water, food and health - as well as INNOVATION as a global driver for accelerated sustainable growth. The Forum will continue to be the global high level platform for discussing the pivotal sustainability challenges of our age, and the catalytic role of energy in achieving inclusive and sustainable development.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Vienna Energy Forum.
For more information, please contact us at vef2017@unido.org or visit https://viennaenergyforum.org.
VEF 2017 Secretariat |
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Norwegian University of Life Sciences has an opening for a fully funded PhD fellowship
Norwegian University of Life Sciences has an opening for a fully funded PhD fellowship in 'Norms and knowledge in global environmental politics': https://www.jobbnorge.no/
Please feel free to share this call with interested candidates.
Many thanks and best regards,
Dr. Katharina Glaab
Associate Professor, Global Change and International Relations
Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU
PO. Box 5003, NO-1432 Ã…s, Norway
Last Call: Sustainability and Social Science Research Symposium - Registration deadline: March 30, 2017
The final deadline for registration is March 30, 2017.
A preliminary program has been posted to the conference website and includes a wide range of symposium papers and plenary sessions including a panel of sustainability program officers from 5 foundations. Please direct program questions to John Callewaert, jcallew@umich.edu. While the deadline for abstracts/papers has passed, conference organizers are still receiving expressions of interest for posters through the registration deadline – simply complete the registration and select "Display" when prompted to answer about intended participation.
Housing options can be found on the conference website. To receive hotel symposium rates, rooms must be reserved by the dates noted on the website. Also, a limited number of rooms are still available through University Housing at a rate of US$58.50 per night.
Use the following link to access the symposium website for registration, program information, and accommodations: https://www.haw-hamburg.de/
2017 Call for applications for an IPCC Scholarship Award
2017 Call for applications for an IPCC Scholarship Award
The IPCC will accept applications for an IPCC Scholarship Award from PhD students that have been enrolled for at least a year or are undertaking post-doctoral research. Applicants should be citizens of a developing country with priority given to students from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
Each scholarship award is for a maximum amount of 15,000 Euros per year for up to two years during the period 2017-2019.
Applications are encouraged for, but not limited to climate-relevant research in the following fields of study:
- underlying science of climate change
- climate and water
- climate and oceans
- socio-economic modelling related to climate change
- regional climate change, vulnerability, impacts and adaptation
- attaining the goals of the Paris Agreement
- synergies between adaptation and mitigation
- and climate solutions in the context of the sustainable development goals (SDGs)
Objectives |
The aim of the IPCC Scholarship Programme is to build capacity in the understanding and management of climate change in developing countries by providing opportunities for young scientists from developing countries to undertake doctoral studies. Applications submitted by students from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are given priority.
To obtain more information, please email or visit the IPCC scholarship Facebook page:
Programme Officer
Tel.: +41(22) 730 8438
CfP 2017 Lund Conference on Earth System Governance
Call for Papers
2017 Lund Conference
on Earth System Governance
Allocation & Access in a Warming and Increasingly Unequal World
Lund University, Sweden, 9-11 October 2017
We invite you to submit abstracts for the Lund Conference on Earth System Governance to be held 9-11 October 2017 in Lund, Sweden.
Key Dates
· Deadline for paper abstracts: 20 March 2017 (extended deadline!)
· Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2017
· Full papers due: 20 September 2017
· Conference dates: 9-11 October 2017
The conference is part of the global series organized by the Earth System Governance Project. The first Earth System Governance conference was held in Amsterdam in December 2009, followed by Fort Collins (2011), Lund (2012), Tokyo (2013), Norwich (2014), Canberra (2015), and Nairobi (2016). The 2017 conference will take place in Lund, Sweden. The Lund Conference on Earth System Governance is hosted by Lund University and jointly organized by the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS) and the Earth System Governance Project.
Conference Theme
The 2017 Lund Conference on Earth System Governance will address the overarching theme of 'Allocation and Access in a Warming and Increasingly Unequal World'. This theme acknowledges the multiple crises faced across the world and the uneven distribution of their impacts. A recent report from Oxfam suggests that the richest 1% of the world's population now has as much wealth as the rest of the other 99% combined. Similarly, climate change and the challenges of mitigation and adaptation are driving further inequalities across the world. In addition, climate change implies an unprecedented intergenerational dimension because of the long lags between emissions, on the one hand, and climate change impacts on the other. However, inequality is far more complex than simply wealth distribution and climate change impacts. Earth system governance must address the entire spectrum of environmental, social and political inequalities.
This leads to the fundamental questions of 'who gets what, when, where and how'. Different disciplines refer to this challenge differently: lawyers speak of equity, economists of distribution, resource analysts of access, political scientists of fairness, and sociologists of social justice. In earth system governance research, we refer to this as the analytical problems of 'allocation and access'. In this line of inquiry, we are particularly interested in outcomes, pathways and reallocation in governance. Given the clear impetus for a drastic change in earth system governance in the coming decades and the key challenges faced by many countries politically, socially and environmentally, matters of allocation and access will continue to be crucial questions in the coming decades.
Conference Streams
The conference theme 'Allocation and Access in a Warming and Increasingly Unequal World' will be addressed in five thematic streams:
· Environmental justice in earth system governance
· Conceptual understandings and progress
· Science and activism
· Theory and methodology
· Earth system governance in turbulent times
Stream 1: Environmental justice in earth system governance
We understand that governance structures and decisions affect the allocation of, and access to, environmental benefits and burdens. Impacts of global environmental change are experienced differently at the local level and are neither borne nor distributed equally within groups in society. Environmental quality has become closely tied to human equality through environmental justice. Environmental injustices pose significant governance challenges at the international, national and local levels and ultimately lead to widespread inequalities in society and across generations. In this stream, we invite contributions that address the procedural and distributional aspects of earth system governance. How does earth system governance across scales affect allocation and access of environmental benefits and burdens? Who is accountable for environmental justice and at what levels? What constitutes a just distribution of collective goods in a democratic society?
Stream 2: Conceptual understandings and progress
The 2017 conference will continue the discussion of our 2016 Nairobi conference on inequality and will now focus on conceptual understandings and progress on inequality in allocation and access. Inequality has many dimensions that range from procedural access and democratic aspects of legitimacy, transparency and accountability to consequences like distributive injustice or imbalances of environmental, social and economic outcomes. In this stream we return to some of the foundational questions of the Earth System Governance Science Plan: What is the relevance of questions of allocation and access to earth system governance? How can we reach agreement on interdisciplinary conceptualizations and definitions of allocation and access? What are the normative issues at stake in the relationship between environmental sustainability and social justice in earth system governance? What (overarching) principles underlie governance of allocation and access? How can allocation and access be reconciled with governance effectiveness?
Stream 3: Science and activism
An exciting new focus of the 2017 conference is to draw attention to the bifurcation between science and activism. In the era of 'alternative facts' and post-truth politics, arguably science has a more active role to play in engaging with political, social and environmental reforms. Social movements are emerging as a global force for social change and democratization, and the role of research and researchers deserves our attention. This stream invites deliberations on the role of science in politics. What is the role of science as such and the individual scientist in civic engagement and collective action? What are the strategies for science to engage more meaningfully with activism? Can engagement in activism undermine scientific credibility? What is the professional responsibility we have to use our scientific knowledge in the face of increasing global inequality and rapid environmental change?
Stream 4: Theory and Methodology
Theoretical and methodological pluralism is a part of earth system governance research, drawing from the social sciences as well as interdisciplinary approaches at the interface of social and natural sciences. In the context of an increasingly warming and unequal world, there is a challenge for theory and methodology development to address both sustainability and environmental justice while maintaining scientific quality and rigor. In this stream we seek to create a platform for the earth system governance community to engage in such theoretical and methodological inquiry. What theories are relevant for earth system governance in the current context? What are the most promising and innovative approaches to researching allocation and access across multiple scales of governance?
Stream 5: Earth system governance in turbulent times
With the rapid political, social and environmental changes currently occurring, we have seen new words entering the earth system governance lexicon, including political terms like Brexit, 'alternative facts', 'Trumpism' or 'post-factual', but also new terms stemming from the science community, such as Anthropocene. The shifting landscape of governance opens areas for new research as earth system governance must adapt to turbulent times, recognizing the extraordinary degree of harm that is possible, and that current governance systems might not be fully prepared for. We therefore invite papers that especially address this challenge. For example, what theoretical concepts, frameworks, and methodologies can be used to analyze and understand the current social, political and environmental landscape? In what ways do innovations or changes in governance arrangements produce more or less accountable, adaptive, accessible and equitable processes/outcomes? How is the agency of different actors shaping allocation and access in the Anthropocene?
In addition to these five thematic streams, we also welcome papers relevant to earth system governance in general.
Types of Proposals
Individual papers
We invite submissions of abstracts of 400 words (or less) that address either the main conference theme; one or more of the five conference streams; or any other topic that is relevant to the Earth System Governance Project. Submissions are welcome through the conference website - earthsystemgovernance.org/
All abstracts will be anonymized and evaluated in double-blind peer-review by generally five members of our conference review panel.
Full panels
In addition, we invite Panel proposals that address the main conference theme; one or more of the five conference streams; or any other topic relevant to the Earth System Governance Project. Submissions are welcome through the conference website - earthsystemgovernance.org/
Panel proposals must include a description of the panel (300 words or less), 4-5 abstracts (each 400 words or less), as well as the name of a chair and a discussant. Please note that all paper abstracts will be evaluated individually in the general double-blind peer-review of the conference, with the possible outcome that only some papers submitted for a panel might eventually be accepted. Only panels with three or more accepted papers will be included in the programme.
Innovative sessions
We also welcome proposals for non-traditional sessions, such as roundtables (which may include policy-makers, academics, or representatives of non-governmental organizations), policy games, book launches, and book clubs (that may discuss recently published academic works in the field). All non-traditional sessions can be proposed directly to the conference organizers by e-mail: ipo@
In addition, the conference will provide space for side-events or back-to-back meetings of Task Forces, Affiliated Projects, or other relevant meetings.
Additional Information
Please note that while there is no limit on the number of submissions, individuals will only be permitted to present, at a maximum, 2 papers.
The organizers are undertaking all efforts to secure travel support for participants who are based at institutions in developing countries. To the extent that travel funds are available, they will be disbursed on merit basis according to the relative ranking of the abstract. Acceptance of a paper for presentation does not guarantee travel support.
Additional information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found on the conference website at earthsystemgovernance.org/
We look forward to welcoming you to Lund!
Vasna Ramasar, Conference Chair (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies)
Graduate opportunities in sustainability governance and urban transformations at the University of Waterloo
We are seeking one PhD student and one Master's student, starting in September 2017 or January 2018, to join the Sustainability Policy Research on Urban Transformations (SPROUT) lab in the Department of Geography and Environmental Management. These students will work on a funded international project that explores urban sustainability transitions and the transformative potential of small businesses.
The challenge of climate change is one of multi-level and multi-actor governance, and one that requires research to illuminate more effective strategies for building partnerships between the public and private sectors to accelerate the creation of sustainable, low carbon communities. There are significant gaps, however, in our understanding of what motivates businesses to innovate, and the partnerships or governance approaches that might support these actions.
This ongoing research project explores the role of small businesses in triggering and accelerating sustainability transitions, with a particular focus on the potential for low-carbon technological and social innovations to scale up, influencing the behavior of other businesses, sectors, and communities. There is considerable flexibility within this mandate: current students, for instance, explore local visioning processes, green infrastructure, and food systems.
For more information, please contact Dr. Sarah Burch (sburch@uwaterloo.ca).
Potential students are encouraged to send the following materials to Dr. Burch by Friday April 14th, 2017:
- A letter of interest outlining your research interests and experience
- Curriculum vitae
- Transcript or unofficial list of grades from highest degree obtained
For more information:
- University of Waterloo: www.uwaterloo.ca
- UW Faculty of Environment: www.uwaterloo.ca/
environment - Geography and Environmental Management graduate programs https://uwaterloo.ca/
geography-environmental- management/graduate - Dr. Sarah Burch https://uwaterloo.ca/
geography-environmental- management/people-profiles/ sarah-burch
Friday, March 10, 2017
Call for Abstracts: 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development, New York
Call for papers Ambio Special Feature "Human Adaptation to Climate Induced Biodiversity Change"
Across the planet, climate change has already led to local extinctions of hundreds of species. Phenology is altering, and many species are rapidly changing range. People must adapt to change in local biodiversity, and the ways they adapt will affect species and ecosystems, as well as human well-being. This Ambio Special Feature introduces the theme 'Human Adaptation to Biodiversity Change' for the first time, focusing especially on biodiversity change that is driven by climate change, and on conceptualizing adaptation to biodiversity change 'from below' – that is, adaptation on the part of the people most directly affected.
The articles in this feature will deal with both conceptual issues related to such adaptation (e.g. with how knowledge, values, and livelihoods are best understood in relation to biodiversity change), as well as case studies that investigate the ways in which people have adapted, or are currently adapting (or mal-adapting), to changes in biodiversity that result, e.g. from the local extinction of a single species (e.g. a cultural keystone species), of a group of species (e.g. native crops or crustaceans), or an entire trophic level (e.g. large fish or predators); to changes in community composition (e.g. as a result of invasive species), major changes in population numbers, or in pest and disease incidence, etc. driven principally by climate change. Also of interest are people's responses to shifts in locally and regionally important species or varieties (e.g. crops, trees, fish) as their 'envelopes' shift geographically, entailing both benefits and harms, and potential new forms of cooperation and conflict.
Questions that might be addressed include:
How do people perceive and understand such change?
How do people value biological resources and change in these?
How do people respond to perceived risks, and what affects their ability to respond?
How can such studies contribute to 'climate change adaptation' policy? To biodiversity policy?
Articles are invited from both the developing and developed world, from so-called difficult environments and those that are not, from indigenous peoples living in the tropics or the Artic to 'modern' agriculturalists living in the North. Word limit: 8000 words. Expected publication date: April 2018. Please send manuscripts by May 1st to:
Dr. Rajindra K. Puri rkp@kent.ac.uk or Prof. Patricia Howard P.Howard@kent.ac.uk
Thursday, March 9, 2017
10 Days Left to Apply to the Online Course on Indigenous People and IWRM
The course is free, open for a maximum of 40 participants from the entire water sector, and successful participants will receive certificates by the end of the course.
10 Days Left to Apply to the Online Course on Indigenous People and IWRM
The course is free, open for a maximum of 40 participants from the entire water sector, and successful participants will receive certificates by the end of the course.
Applications open: MSc Water: Science & Governance programme, King's College London
The Department of Geography, King's College London is accepting applications for MSc Water: Science and Governance progamme. Drawing on the university's leading reputation in water research, students are equipped with advanced interdisciplinary training to tackle the contemporary challenges of diverse water environments around the world.
This programme, which now incorporates the former MSc Aquatic Resource Management, is deeply rooted in King's College London's long-standing experience and expertise in providing in-depth fundamental and applied training in freshwater and estuarine science and management. Combined with international research excellence in water science, policy and politics, the programme offers a unique learning experience as well as access to a range of professional networks which include government, industry and NGO sectors.
Students will benefit from lectures, seminars, lab and field sessions informed by cutting-edge insights from King's Water research spearheaded by 12 staff. Key features of the MSc programme include a residential field trip in Shropshire and Wales, guest talks by leading scientists and professionals, weekly research seminars, internships and dissertation placement. The London location also offers excellent opportunities for professional networking. This year, students have attended meetings co-hosted by King's Water and International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage, the British Ecological Society, the Institute for Fisheries Management, started internships with WWF-UK and will have opportunities to join an interdisciplinary field project in the Okavango River basin, Botswana.
Research updates by the water team can be viewed on the King's Water blog or @KingsWaterKCL
Students have gone on to work at the UN, government agencies, global consultancy firms, and international NGOs. See students testimonials here: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/
The department offers bursaries and there are number of scholarships currently being advertised: http://www.kcl.ac.
Monday, February 13, 2017
13th Summer School on Toxic Compounds in the Environment 2017
RECETOX Research Infrastructure, Regional POPs Centre for Central and Eastern Europe and Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX), Masaryk university would like to extend to you an invitation to attend the international
13th Summer School on Toxic Compounds in the Environment 2017,
which will commence from 26th June to 30th June 2017 at RECETOX, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
We cordially invite you, and your students to participate in this summer school. We would be greatly pleased to welcome you in Brno. For more information please refer to the first announcement at the annex or the RECETOX web pages : http://www.recetox.muni.cz/index-en.php?pg=events--13th-summer-school-on-toxic-compounds-in-the-environment-2017
Registration is open on the web page: https://is.muni.cz/obchod/fakulta/sci/recetox/?lang=en
Do not hesitate with registration, summer school is limited to 40 participants.