Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Oxford Adaptation Academy, 13 – 25 August 2017: Call for Applications.

This two week residential course enables individuals and organisations to develop a solid grounding in the links between vulnerability, climate impacts and adaptation. The focus is on the "how to" rather than "what is" adaptation; and is designed to inform a participant's individual needs in the context of their own professional development.

See flyer for testimonials and visit website, Global Climate Adaptation Partnership at http://www.climateadaptation.cc/

Invitation to join: Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP)

Invitation to join: Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP)

IUSDRP has started operating, and the details can be seen at:

IUSDRP has been created with three main aims:

1. to perform externally-funded international research on sustainable development issues linking researchers from across the world
2. to publish the results of research on sustainable development issues in high calibre journals
3. to train doctoral students on matters related to sustainable development issues

IUSDRP also organises a series of high level events on sustainable development issues -and climate change Symposia. Some of the events currently planned are:

World Symposium on Climate Change Communication, Manchester, UK,
22nd -24th February 2017

World Symposium on Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development, Malta, 2nd – 4th March 2017
https://www.haw-hamburg.de/en/ftz-als/events/malta2017.html in Malta in March 2017

World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research, Manchester, UK, 5th-7th April 2017

Sustainability and Social Science Research Symposium
University of Michigan, United States, May 17th-19th 2017

2nd World Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, Coimbra, Portugal
6th -8th September 2017

Partners universities interested to join should contact our team
to discuss the details.  There are no costs involved. If conditions
are suitable, a letter of committment can be sent to universities interested to participate, so they can join and benefit from
IUSDRP´s network and outputs.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) funding applications, by 28 Nov

Re: Project funding for early-career conservationists

The deadline for Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) funding applications is fast approaching – 28th November 2016. We would greatly appreciate if you could please circulate this message to anyone in your networks who you think might be interested.

In 2017, CLP awards are focused on projects occurring in 22 countries: Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, Egypt, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Mozambique, Oman, South Africa, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, UAE and Vietnam.

CLP awards are aimed at early career conservationists with less than 5 years' professional experience in the conservation sector. CLP awards are team-based, with at least 3 people per team.

At this stage, we are accepting proposals for Future Conservationist Awards worth up to $12,500 each. A member of each award-winning project will be invited, all expenses paid, to CLP's two-week Conservation Management & Leadership training in June/July 2017.

All information on eligibility, guidelines, FAQs, and the application form are on our website: http://www.conservationleadershipprogramme.org/grants/grant-overview/future-conservationist-award/

CLP is happy to provide applicant support - interested applicants are encouraged to contact us (clp@birdlife.org) with questions as soon as possible.