Tuesday, September 1, 2015

UCRSEA Post‐Doctoral Fellowship 2016 in Bangkok

UCRSEA PostDoctoral Fellowship 2016 in Bangkok


The Urban Climate Resilience Southeast Asia Partnership (UCRSEA), directed by the Asia Institute at the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto and the Thailand Environment Institute (TEI) in Bangkok, Thailand, invites applications for a one-year UCRSEA Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Urban Climate Change Resilience. Research proposed must be pertinent to UCRSEA's focus on building urban climate change capacity, particularly in the Mekong region. The Fellowship will commence in January 2016, with an annual salary of $40,500 CAD plus benefits.



The successful applicant is expected to reside in Bangkok, Thailand, be based at the Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISETRegional Office), and travel once to Toronto, Canada during the term of the Fellowship. Support for conference and research travel in Southeast Asia is available.


Eligibility is limited to applicants who have received their Ph.D. in a relevant discipline (social sciences) within the three years prior to the start date of the UCRSEA fellowship (i.e. January 2013 or later). All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply however Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.



In addition to pursuing an intensive research project, the postdoctoral fellow is expected to participate as a member of the UCRSEA team.


Core responsibilities of the postdoctoral fellow include:

Conducting research of relevance to the UCRSEA project;

Presenting their research at one research seminar at the Munk School of Global Affairs 2016 and at least one seminar hosted by TEI in a Southeast Asian city during 2106;

Preparing an original, fulllength research paper for publication as part of the UCRSEA Paper series;

Providing research assistance and documentation support to TEI/ISET on UCRSEA project and research in Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam;

Providing support to country partners in Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam in research design, field research and documentation;

Providing support to TEI/ISET in project reporting.


Other responsibilities, to be identified with UCRSEA partners and directors based on the fellow's interests and UCRSEA's research agenda, could include:

Planning UCRSEA conferences, events or workshops, in conjunction with UCRSEA partners;

Participation in other UCRSEA research projects and initiatives. 



Applications must arrive at the Munk School of Global Affairs no later than Wednesday, 30 September 2015 at noon (EST). The committee will notify applicants of their decision by 1 November 2015.


Application instructions can be found at:




The Urban Climate Resilience Southeast Asia Partnership addresses vulnerabilities to climate change in urbanizing areas of Southeast Asia with the goal of enhancing resilience and, hence, economic and social well-being. Individual and community vulnerabilities in the region are linked to global environmental change and to the rapid pace of urbanization and economic integration of the region. Specifically, we seek to provide vulnerable peoples in transitional states with the space to learn about and share in decisions about protecting themselves from the economic, social, and physical impacts of climate change.


UCRSEA is a new network of scholars and researchers working to address a critical gap in understanding the role of regionalization and urbanization in the growing risks posed by climate change in Southeast Asia. Our project involves international collaboration between academics in Canada and partners located in four countries that are experiencing both rapid urbanization and the severe effects of climate change: Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. UCRSEA includes universities, NGOs, local organizations, and local governments engaged in multi- disciplinary partnership, combining the science of interpreting climate change's uncertainties, risks, and impacts with social science analysis from geography, anthropology, and planning. The initiating partners include the Thailand Environmental Institute Foundation (TEI), a non- government think tank focusing on scientific and policy issues in Southeast Asia, and the Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET-International), an international NGO with extensive experience in knowledge sharing and building urban climate change resilience, the University of Toronto, and York University.


The UCRSEA is undertaking a range of research and program activities: • conducting original, independent, academic research that views urbanization as a transformative process in terms of poverty, vulnerability, growth and climate change impacts; • promoting and sharing our research through publications, as well as through workshops, conferences, webcasts, and presentations; • convening roundtables and public events to engage discussion among scholars, policy makers, and community leaders in cities of Southeast Asia and Canada; • supporting graduate and postgraduate students to thereby build Canada and Southeast Asia's expertise in the field of urban climate change impacts and responses. Funding The Partnership is supported by a five-year International Partnerships for Sustainable Societies (IPaSS) grant, funded by both the International Development Research Council (IDRC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada. For more information about UCRSEA: http://urbanclimateresiliencesea.apps01.yorku.ca


mrkdvsn said...
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