Thursday, May 24, 2012

Belpasso International Summer School on Environmental and Resource Economics - Call for Applications


University of Catania - EAERE - FEEM
Belpasso International Summer School on Environmental and Resource Economics
Sustainable Development: Theory and Measurement Methods
Belpasso (Italy), September 2nd - 8th, 2012
Deadline for applications: June 24th, 2012
The Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Catania, the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) and the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Belpasso, are pleased to announce the Belpasso International Summer School on Environmental and Resource Economics for postgraduate students.

The 2012 Summer School will take place from the 2nd to the 8th of September in Belpasso, a city in the Province of Catania, Sicily, Italy. The theme of this Summer School is
 Sustainable Development: Theory and Measurement Methods.

Ensuring a continuous increase in well-being throughout the world is one of the main challenges to humankind. Since the mid-80s, awareness that economic growth has not necessarily improved living conditions has led to the quest for sustainable development. The concept of sustainability implies the need to consider in policy agendas the long-term interactions among the economic, environmental and social spheres, reconciling their potential trade-offs. In spite of the increased effort of the academia, no agreement on the definition and quantitative assessment of sustainability has been reached to date on a worldwide basis. The main aim of the 2012 Belpasso summer school is to collect the latest advancements in the field from research leaders, in order to provide young scholars with the most appropriate theoretical and methodological background and to enable them to make a valuable contribution to the post Rio+20 scientific debate.

Graciela CHICHILNISKY, Columbia University, Department of Economics, USA
Giuseppe MUNDA, Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona (UAB), Ecological Economics and Integrated Assessment Unit (Eco2bcn), Spain
William REES, University of British Columbia, School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), Canada
Michaela SAISANA,  European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Econometric and Applied Statistics Uni, Italy
Giovanni SIGNORELLO (School Co-coordinator), University of Catania, Italy

Fabio EBOLI (School Co-coordinator), Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change, Italy

Admissions and Scholarships
The Summer School is targeted to postgraduate students. Admission is conditional on the presentation by each student of his/her doctoral work; therefore PhD students who want to apply need to be advanced in their PhD and need to have written at least one substantive chapter. It is not necessary that PhD applicants have completely finished their thesis
Application is restricted to 2012 EAERE members, both European and Non-European citizens. Given the highly interactive activities planned at the Summer School, the number of participants is limited to 20.
There is no participation fee. All applicants can apply for a scholarship.

For further information on application and funding please access the Summer School Website at or contact the Summer School Secretariat.

Belpasso International Summer School Secretariat
c/o prof. Giovanni Signorello
DiGESA - Envalab
via Santa Sofia 98
95123 Catania
Tel. +39 095 7580320
Fax +39 095 7580345

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