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What's New
Approved New and Continuing Projects for Financial Year 2012/13
The APN is pleased to announce the final list of new and ongoing projects to be funded in financial year 2012/13, as approved by its Inter-Governmental Meeting (IGM) on 16 March 2012 at APN's 17th IGM convened in Jakarta, Indonesia.
APN at the Fifth GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium, Tokyo, Japan
4 April 2012, Tokyo, Japan — The APN was represented at the Fifth GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium which was held in Tokyo, Japan, from 2 to 4 April 2012. APN Secretariat Director Akio Takemoto introduced APN's new focussed activities in 2012 and its involvement in the GEOSS process and related activities.
IPCC Publishes Special Report, APN Work Cited
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently published a special report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX). The report, produced by IPCC Working Groups I and II, is the outcome of cross-disciplinary teamwork between scientists studying the physical aspects of climate change, scientists with expertise in impacts, adaptation and vulnerability as well as experts in disaster risk management.
Work of the APN funded project "City at Risk: Developing Adaptive Capacity for Climate Change in Asia's Coastal Megacities" (CBA2008-06NSY-Fuchs) is cited in Chapter 5, Managing the Risks from Climate Extremes at the Local Level, and Chapter 9, Case Studies, of the SREX report.
APN at Planet Under Pressure 2012, London, UK
29 March 2012, London, UK — The biggest gathering of global environmental change specialists in advance of the United Nations Rio+20 Summit, the Planet Under Pressure conference attracted over 3000 scientists and decision-makers across the world to discuss global challenges and offer new solutions. More than 3000 people participated online through video webcast and various social media platforms. Scientists issued State of the Planet Declaration that summarizes the key messages emerged from the conference.
The APN, through its funding support to the conference, facilitated 26 scientists and policy-makers from its member countries to present their work through oral and poster presentations at the conference. We also hosted an exhibition at the conference, featuring the latest work undertaken by APN-funded projects in the Asia-Pacific Region.
Global Change Announcements
Call for abstracts: International Conference on Climate, Water and Policy (ICCWP) 2012
The APEC Climate Centre (APCC) is planning to hold the 'International Conference on Climate, Water and Policy (ICCWP) 2012' for three days in September 2012 in Busan, Republic of Korea. The main objective of ICCWP is to promote the use of climate information for decision making in water resource management. While the APEC Climate Symposium (APCS) 2011 explored the use of climate information in agriculture, water resources management and energy efficiency on a broad level, APCC identified high demand for in-depth studies on each sector from the participants' feedback. As a progression of the last APCS, ICCWP will work more deeply on climate applications in the water sector.
Upcoming events
10th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography: Changing southern climates (10ICSHMO)
When: Mon Apr 23, 2012 to Fri Apr 27, 2012 Where: Noumea, New-Caledonia
7th MAIRS Scientific Steering Committee Meeting When: Mon Apr 23, 2012 to Tue Apr 24, 2012
Where: Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China
Workshop on "Developing Asian Megacities toward a Sustainable World" When: Wed Apr 25, 2012 to Fri Apr 27, 2012
Where: Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China
SOLAS Open Science Conference When: Mon May 7, 2012 to Thu May 10, 2012
Where: Cle Elum, WA, USA
Resilient Cities 2012 When: Sat May 12, 2012 to Tue May 15, 2012
Where: Bonn, Germany
36th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) & the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) When: Mon May 14, 2012 to Fri May 25, 2012
Where: Maritim Hotel, Bonn
Second New Commons Workshop with APN, DIVERSITAS, IHDP and UNU-ISP When: Mon May 28, 2012 to Wed May 30, 2012
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APN Secretariat, East Building, 4F, 1-5-2 Wakinohama Kaigan Dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0073, Japan Tel : +81-78-230-8017 | Fax: +81-78-230-8018 Website: http://www.apn-gcr.org | Follow us on Facebook |

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