40 places are offered, with a target composition of 20 students from Brazil and 20 from other countries. This is only an approximate figure, we will not set quotas.
§ Doctoral or masters' students, preferably with ongoing project on course topic(s)
§ Post-doc students with ongoing project on course topic(s)
§ Recent PhDs with current and past research on course topic(s)
§ Very gifted advanced undergraduates
Fees & Expenses
§ There are no registration fees.
§ Travel and living expenses will be covered by the ESPCA Ecological Networks (a Fapesp grant). Students already supported by Fapesp scholarships should be covered by their own grants.
Requirements & Files
Applicants should send to the Course Secretary the following documents, written in english:
§ Biographical sketch (maximum of two pages,model);
§ An application letter justifying how the course correlates with the applicant’s research (maximum of two pages);
§ A one-page description of the applicant current research project.
Applications will be received only by email
1. Convert all required files to pdf format.
2. Pack all files in an single file (zip, rar or tar). Name this file [lastname_firstname].[zip/rar/tar]1)
3. Write “ESPCA application” in the message subject
4. Send the message with the required file pack attached to netschool.br@gmail.com
5. You should receive an automatic confirmation email, and within the next 5 days a further notification by email confirming that your application was in order and complete.
6. If you receive no confirmation email, resubmit your application to the above email and to netschool@ib.usp.br
7. If this fails or you really do need further information, you can contact Paulo Guimarães through Skype at paulo.guima
Applications will be selected by a faculty committee coordinated by Prof. Thomas Lewinsohn. The list with the names of the accepted applicants will be announced on the course site.
§ 15 January - 30 April: applications
§ 10 May: list of applications received
§ 30 May: list of accepted applications
§ 10 June: deadline for confirmation by selected applicants
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