Brown International Advanced Research Institutes: Climate Change and Its Impacts: Water in a Changing Climate, June 11-25, 2011
This Institute will focus on changes in the supply of and demand for water in the 21st century, due both to changes in regional climate and to human population growth and development patterns. Major themes will include predicted changes in regional hydrologic cycles; resilience of existing social, economic, civil, ecological, and agricultural systems to likely changes; the potential of global and local institutions to increase the resilience of these systems; and what can be learned from one region to inform effective design of policies and water management structures in other regions. Throughout the Institute, participants will focus on developing interdisciplinary research through communication and joint development of projects.
Convening Faculty:
Leah Vanwey
Associate Professor of Sociology
Associate Professor of Sociology
Areas of Interest: Household demography, migration, population and environment.
More Information
James Russell
Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences
More Information
James Russell
Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences
Areas of Interest: Patterns and causes of natural climate variability using paleoclimate records; the climate history of the tropics, including intertropical Africa and the El Niño Southern Oscillation system
All applications will be reviewed by the convenors, and accepted applicants will be informed by early April.
Thanks to generous support from Santander Universities and Brown University, all accepted participants will pay no tuition or accommodation costs. Travel funding for participants who live and work outside North America and the European Union will also be provided. Participants from North America and the European Union are requested to use all available travel subsidies from their home institutions. Where such support is unavailable or insufficients, and BIARI resources allow, travel costs will be covered.
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