See flyer for testimonials and visit website, Global Climate Adaptation Partnership at http://www.climateadaptation.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
The Oxford Adaptation Academy, 13 – 25 August 2017: Call for Applications.
See flyer for testimonials and visit website, Global Climate Adaptation Partnership at http://www.climateadaptation.
Invitation to join: Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP)
IUSDRP has started operating, and the details can be seen at:
IUSDRP has been created with three main aims:
1. to perform externally-funded international research on sustainable development issues linking researchers from across the world
2. to publish the results of research on sustainable development issues in high calibre journals
3. to train doctoral students on matters related to sustainable development issues
IUSDRP also organises a series of high level events on sustainable development issues -and climate change Symposia. Some of the events currently planned are:
World Symposium on Climate Change Communication, Manchester, UK,
22nd -24th February 2017
World Symposium on Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development, Malta, 2nd – 4th March 2017
World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research, Manchester, UK, 5th-7th April 2017
Sustainability and Social Science Research Symposium
University of Michigan, United States, May 17th-19th 2017
2nd World Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, Coimbra, Portugal
6th -8th September 2017
Partners universities interested to join should contact our team
to discuss the details. There are no costs involved. If conditions
are suitable, a letter of committment can be sent to universities interested to participate, so they can join and benefit from
IUSDRP´s network and outputs.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) funding applications, by 28 Nov
Re: Project funding for early-career conservationists
The deadline for Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) funding applications is fast approaching – 28th November 2016. We would greatly appreciate if you could please circulate this message to anyone in your networks who you think might be interested.
In 2017, CLP awards are focused on projects occurring in 22 countries: Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, Egypt, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Mozambique, Oman, South Africa, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, UAE and Vietnam.
CLP awards are aimed at early career conservationists with less than 5 years' professional experience in the conservation sector. CLP awards are team-based, with at least 3 people per team.
At this stage, we are accepting proposals for Future Conservationist Awards worth up to $12,500 each. A member of each award-winning project will be invited, all expenses paid, to CLP's two-week Conservation Management & Leadership training in June/July 2017.
All information on eligibility, guidelines, FAQs, and the application form are on our website:
CLP is happy to provide applicant support - interested applicants are encouraged to contact us ( with questions as soon as possible.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Nagao Wetland Fund - Invitation for Applications
The Ramsar Convention Secretariat wishes to acknowledge the Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF) in Japan for their generous voluntary donation to establish the Nagao Wetland Fund (NWF) which will be administered by the Ramsar Secretariat.
The NWF is intended to support Contracting Parties in the Asia-Oceania region on small-scale projects with a maximum offer of 18,000 USD per project. However, the funding is not intended to replace the need for most developing countries and countries in transition to have access to much more substantial levels of funding in order to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of their wetland resources.
The projects should be identified as a national priority by the Contracting Party in the implementation of the Convention's Strategic Plan 2016-2024.
The NWF is open for application from eligible Contracting Parties and those overseas territories in the Asia-Oceania region included in the DAC List of ODA Recipients.
Please refer to the attached for more information. All project proposals MUST be submitted using the form "Request for Funding Form" (attached), which should be endorsed by the Ramsar Administrative Authority in your country.
The deadline for all submissions is 31 December.
All correspondence to this email must be forwarded to the Assistant Advisor for Asia-Oceania Region, Ms. Rosi Waqanisau (
I look forward to receiving your applications and please feel free to contact Ms. Rosi Waqanisau or Dr.Lew Young ( if you have any questions. Wishing you all the best.
Rosi Waqanisau
Assistant Advisor for Asia-Oceania
Ramsar Convention Secretariat
28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 22 999 0138; fax +41 22 999 0169 | Join us:
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Summaries for policymakers for scenarios and models as well as pollination assessments
Announcement: Training on "Managing Project Preparation for Climate Change Adaptation
A comprehensive three days training program to enable government officials to prepare
fundable project proposals for climate change adaptation. The training is offered jointly by The Climate Change Asia (CCA), Asian Institute of Technology and USAID (through their Adapt Asia-Pacific Project).
The objectives of the course are:
· help in understanding climate change realities and risks; how to manage risks, screen for sensitivities, and address key vulnerable groups and areas; how climate change adaptation can be grounded in national development plans and broader national adaptation policy and strategic frameworks.
· aid in identifying sources of international funding options and develop capacities for accessing those sources.
· build capacity in project preparation for climate change adaptation by illustrating 'how-to' methods, tools and processes for use in rigorous adaptation project/program design in line with policies and plans.
· provide an introduction to Implementation and monitoring of projects.
Organizer: The Climate Change Asia (CCA) at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) aims to meet the capacity building needs in the Asia Pacific region, in line with the Paris Agreement and 2030 Development Agenda. The overall goal of the CCA Program is to "assist countries to meet, and even surpass, the targets outlined in their INDCs by enhancing national capacities to meet diverse but specific needs—technical, institutional, and policy-related". The Program has two broad outputs. First, to build capacities of government officials, private sector managers, NGOs and other key actors in the region in identifying and managing climate change responses, over the next five years, consistent with nationally determined contributions. Second, to translate these enhanced capacities into on-the-ground action, by equipping countries with the knowledge and skills required to prepare, secure financing for, and implement 'bankable' climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.
Target participants: The training is open to government officials that manage project proposal and development from participants from South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka)
Venue: Ozo Hotel, No. 36-38, Clifford Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Course Fee: USD 1,500 per participant. The course fee would include the course material as well as refreshments and lunch during the training. Participants are expected to make their own flight and accommodation arrangements.
Deadline for Registration: 15th September, 2016
For more information regarding the training, registration and course fee payment contact
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Capital Region, Denmark is about to hire a PhD student, Groundwater
The Capital Region, Denmark is about to hire a PhD student as part of an EU training network. One condition is that the student cannot have stayed more than 12 months in Denmark for the last three years, so we are reaching out to our international network.
If you know some bright young people who may be interested in a PhD fellowship in Denmark, feel free to share the advert below.
The deadline for submission is June 15.
Capital Region, Denmark is about to hire a PhD student, Groundwater
The Capital Region, Denmark is about to hire a PhD student as part of an EU training network. One condition is that the student cannot have stayed more than 12 months in Denmark for the last three years, so we are reaching out to our international network.
If you know some bright young people who may be interested in a PhD fellowship in Denmark, feel free to share the advert below.
The deadline for submission is June 15.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Two fully funded PhD studetnships on biodiversity and security/wildlife trafficking
Please circulate this to your networks and good candidates - the studentships cover a full stipend and fees for Home/EU or International students. The topics are Wildlife trafficking and global security: The EU response and Green Surveillance Technologies
Further details on:
These studentships are funded by my ERC Advanced Investigator Grant of Euro 1.8 million for research on Biodiversity and Security. The grant provides for two PhDs (and in 2017 I will be advertising two post doc positions). The team will be based in the Politics Department in the University of Sheffield (I, Rosaleen, join 1 September). Dan Brockington (SIID) will be second supervisor for the PhDs.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
3 Post-doc positions on legitimacy in global governance, Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Lund (Sweden)
Three post-doc positions on legitimacy in global governance
The research program "Legitimacy in Global Governance" (LegGov) invites applications for three two-year post-doctoral appointments. The positions will be placed in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Lund (Sweden), with a planned starting date of January 1, 2017.
LegGov is a six-year collaboration (2016-2021) among researchers from the Departments of Political Science at Lund and Stockholm Universities, and the School of Global Studies at the University of Gothenburg. The program is funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond with Professor Jonas Tallberg as lead coordinator and Professors Karin Bäckstrand and Jan Aart Scholte as co-coordinators.
For more information about the research program and the three positions, see Application deadline: June 30, 2016.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Post-doctoral fellowships in Energy-Environmental Systems, and Science, Technology Innovation Policy
The Technology & Society Department at Stony Brook University invites applicants to apply for post-doctoral research fellowships in energy-environmental systems transitions, and/or science, technology and innovation policy.
These fellowships are part of programmatic thrusts that center on resilience, safety, security, and industrial development. Particular topics of investigation will include socio-technical factors that influence diffusion and learning amidst disruptive change, and inter-dependencies of critical infrastructure.
Successful team members will contribute in both group and individual efforts to generate high quality, original research and scholarly publications.
Required Qualifications:
PhD or foreign equivalent degree in hand by October 15, 2016.
Preferred Qualifications:
PhD in Energy and Environmental Systems; Science, Technology and Innovation Policy in hand by October 15, 2016.
This is a 1 year appointment in the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
The State University of New York at Stony Brook is a public sea-grant and space-grant research university located in Stony Brook, New York, roughly 55 miles outside of New York City. It is the largest single-site employer on Long Island, with roughly 25,000 students enrolled, over 14,500 employees and more than 2,400 faculty.
For more information and to apply, see
Special issue Climate Law on Paris Agreement
- Research ArticleThe Paris Agreement: Historic Breakthrough or High Stakes Experiment?
- Author: Meinhard Doelle
- pp.: 1–20 (20)
- Research ArticleMitigation Commitments Under the Paris Agreement and the Way Forward
- Author: M. J. Mace
- pp.: 21–39 (19)
- Research ArticleLegal Form and Nature of the Paris Outcome
- Authors: Sebastian Oberthür and Ralph Bodle
- pp.: 40–57 (18)
- Research ArticleDifferentiation in the Paris Agreement
- Authors: Christina Voigt and Felipe Ferreira
- pp.: 58–74 (17)
- Research ArticleThe Paris Agreement and the Gradual Development of a Law on Climate Finance
- Author: Alexander Zahar
- pp.: 75–90 (16)
- Research ArticleThe Role of Non-State Actors in Reviewing Ambition, Implementation, and Compliance under the Paris Agreement
- Author: Harro van Asselt
- pp.: 91–108 (18)
- Research ArticleHuman Rights in the Paris Agreement
- Author: Benoit Mayer
- pp.: 109–117 (9)
- Research ArticleReading Between the Red Lines: Loss and Damage and the Paris Outcome
- Author: Maxine Burkett
- pp.: 118–129 (12)
- Research ArticleParis, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development
- Author: Francesco Sindico
- pp.: 130–141 (12)
- Research ArticleLinked Carbon Markets: Silver Bullet, or Castle in the Air?
- Authors: Torbjørg Jevnaker and Jørgen Wettestad
- pp.: 142–151 (10)
- Research ArticleCracking the American Climate Negotiators' Hidden Code: United States Law and the Paris Agreement
- Author: David A. Wirth
- pp.: 152–170 (19)
- Research ArticleThe Paris Climate Change Agreement: China and India
- Author: Joyeeta Gupta
- pp.: 171–181 (11)
- Research ArticleAn EU Law Perspective on the Paris Agreement: Will the EU Consider Strengthening its Mitigation Effort?
- Author: Marjan Peeters
- pp.: 182–195 (14)
- Research ArticleContrasting Emission Trading in the EU and China: An Exploration of the Role of the Courts
- Authors: Marjan Peeters; Huizhen Chen and Zhiping Li
- pp.: 197–226 (30)
Apply now for the 2016 Arctic Summer College! Deadline May 29, 2016

Apply now for the 2016 Arctic Summer College!
Ecologic Institute US and Ecologic Institute Berlin are now accepting applications until May 29, 2016, from motivated students and professionals passionate about the people and the environment of the Arctic.
Through this one-of-a-kind 8-week virtual campus, participants from around the world learn about contemporary issues affecting the Arctic and engage in discussions with experts, exchanging views and creating a lively learning environment. The curriculum focuses on climate change adaptation, natural resource management, biodiversity protection, environmental governance, energy policy, security, and human health.
The College provides opportunities to develop academic skills, broaden professional and academic networks, and engage with policy and thought leaders working every day on the critical issues facing the Arctic.
This year, we are offering two tracks to choose from: Arctic Summer College for Students and Arctic Summer College for Professionals, each tailored to best benefit the participants.
Both programs offer:
- chance to travel to the 2016 Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland;
- opportunity to publish in the peer-reviewed Arctic Summer College yearbook;
- engagement with Arctic experts in an interactive academic webinar series; and
- membership in the Arctic Summer College Alumni Network.
Application for Arctic Summer College for Students:
Application for Arctic Summer College for Professionals:
Application deadline: May 29, 2016
For questions about the application process, write to To learn more about past programs, visit
International WaterCentre Masters Scholarships (International) - now open
The International WaterCentre (IWC) is currently offering several full scholarships for high calibre international candidates* interested in studying the Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM) commencing in Semester 1, 2017 at The University of Queensland (UQ).
· Up to three international scholarships are available: up to two full tuition and full living costs scholarships (each valued at AU$ 92,645) and one full tuition scholarship (valued at AU$ 52,500)
· Eligibility requirements include:
o A completed undergraduate degree in a related field of study from an internationally-recognised institution;
o At least two years of professional experience (paid work or volunteering experience) in a field relevant to the program;
o International candidates must also demonstrate English Language Proficiency as per UQ's Policy
· Apply online for a scholarship by 1 August 2016
The MIWM program is designed to equip future water leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to create innovative, whole-of-water cycle solutions to complex water management issues. The program is collaboratively delivered by leading industry practitioners and lecturers from IWC's founding member universities. Students enrol at The University of Queensland and can choose one of three specialisation streams including 'WASH and development', 'Urban water' and 'Water, land and people'.
* Scholarships for domestic candidates will open from 1 July - 1 October. Domestic candidates are Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and New Zealand citizens.
More information
· Register for our upcoming webinar: Dr Brian McIntosh, IWC Senior Lecturer and Education Director will present the MIWM program/scholarships and answer your questions on 29 June.
Email | phone +61 7 3014 0200
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
World Symposium on Sustainability Science: Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals- Manchester, UK, 5th-7th April 2017
There is a world consensus in relation to the fact that Sustainability Science -i.e. a branch of science concerned with an integrated view of the three main dimensions of sustainable development, can provide an important contribution in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Even though in the past the potential of Sustainability Science has been largely overlooked – some say underestimated – it is clear that it can provide a key contribution to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SGS) and, more specifically, the realisation of the vision set at the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
It is based on the perceived need to explore and present concrete case studies which illustrate how Sustainability Science and Research can help to achieve the many goals listed in the document "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", that the "World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research: Implementing the 2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development" is being brought to life.
The Symposium is being jointly organised by Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) , the Hamburg University University of Applied Sciences (Germany), and the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP), in cooperation with various UN bodies, government offices and authorities, universities, enterprises, NGOs and grassroots organisations from across the world. It will be held in Manchester, UK, on 5th-7th April 2017.
Sustainability researchers from across the world are warmly invite to attend and present their work at the Symposium: their active inputs will help to reiterate the potential of Sustainability Science and Research, showing how it may contribute to the realization of the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Further details and deadlines can be seen at:
School of Advanced Science on nitrogen cycling, environmental sustainability and climate change, 31 July – 10 August 2016, São Pedro, SP – Brazil
The University of São Paulo´s (USP) Center of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI) announce the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on the unequal distribution of nitrogen in the world and its consequence on the environmental sustainability under a scenario of climate changes.
The School is funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). Other collaborators are Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE), the University of Brasilia (UnB), and the International Nitrogen Initiative (INI). The 10-day course will consist of lectures, theoretical lessons, a technical fieldwork, literature discussion sessions, and student poster presentations.
PDF files for download
Announcement (English)
Announcement (Spanish)
Flyer (English)
Flyer (Spanish)
Nitrogen plays a fundamental role in life. It is universally used as a fertilizer in agriculture. While in many countries it is used in large amounts, in parts of the developing world its use is limited and not enough nitrogen is available for optimal food production. Excess nitrogen causes contamination problems in terrestrial and in aquatic ecosystems. Therefore, the challenge is to supply nitrogen in a way that enhances and sustains food production without damage to the environment. This is especially important because the manufacture of nitrogen fertilizers consumes large amounts of energy in a world that is already facing pressures of climate and global changes.
The objective is to provide graduate students with knowledge on nitrogen cycling and related topics that crosscut questions of nitrogen availability, natural and anthropogenic processes, social-economic issues and public policy. The goal is to improve participants' understanding of the changes in the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen, good practices in the use of nitrogen and its impacts on multiple sectors. The school will address the complex interactions among nitrogen, agriculture, sustainability and global changes.
About 100 graduate students, 50 from Brazil and 50 from other countries will be selected to participate in this São Paulo School of Advanced Science. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate program. We encourage applications from students from different academic disciplines (natural, social and human sciences, engineering) provided their academic work and study is related to nitrogen cycles and related topics.
Program and Content
• Challenges and opportunities of the nitrogen cycle (biological fixation, geochemical cycles, human modification of the N cycle);
• Nitrogen use and environmental consequences (nitrogen footprint, future use of nitrogen fertilizers, greenhouse gas emissions associated with N use, nitrogen cascade);
• Nitrogen in sustainable agriculture (agriculture systems that combine the use of mineral and organic nitrogen, microorganisms and the N cycle: reducing losses, biological nitrogen fixation in agriculture systems);
• The N cycle under different climatic stresses (illustrated with Brazilian biomes of the Amazon, Cerrado and Caatinga);
• Student poster presentations.
Financial Support
Travel support fellowships are available. If you need financial support, please indicate so. If you would cover your own travel costs, please let us know in your application form.
Participants will be selected based on the merit of their application information, the relevance of the academic work and studies related to the school themes, and disciplinary, gender and regional balance considerations.
Participants will receive a certificate from the University of São Paulo/CENA acknowledging their participation in the School, provided that they attend all sessions of the program.
Application process
Language requirement: the program will be conducted in English. Therefore, applicants must be proficient or have a sound understanding of the English language in order to understand, communicate, and participate actively in the school activities.
Applicants must fill out the application form and submit a short CV (no more than 2 pages) as well as a reference letter from a thesis advisor indicating the expected benefits for the applicant's academic work and studies.
Applicants must clearly state the reasons for their personal and academic interest in the school and why they should be selected to participate.
To apply
2. Fill out the form and also send a short CV (up to 2 pages), and a reference letter by email to:
3. Make sure you send 3 files in your application submission: application form, CV and a reference letter.
4. Upon submission of your application, you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive it, please contact us at
Applications are due by 14:00 São Paulo, Brazil time on 30 May 2016.
Organizing Committee
- Luiz Antonio Martinelli – Center of Nuclear Energy in Agriculture/University of São Paulo (CENA/USP), Brazil
- Holm Tiessen – Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
- Marcella Ohira – Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
- Jean Pierre H B Ometto – National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil
- Mercedes Bustamante – University of Brasília (UnB), Brazil
- Gabriela Nardoto – University of Brasília (UnB), Brazil
- Eric Davidson – University of Maryland, USA
Suggested Readings
Logistical Information
2016 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships at FEEM